JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
JSON (To be pronounced jeson or jayson) is a part of the ECMAScript standard since ECMA has defined in 1999
the eval function that parses the format.
It has been popularized with the success of Ajax.
The JSON word appears often when one is speaking about Ajax. We know this
is another data format, that can replace XML, and this format is supported
by a lot of programmers. But what is exactly JSON, what are the advantages?
Benefits of JSON:
- The speed of processing.
- The easiness of use.
It is recognized natively by JavaScript. No need for parsing an XML document to extract the data and get it throught the net. - Binary data may be integrated and exchanged on the net with a special textual representation, with a command like: new Buffer(file).toString('base64').
Benefits of XML:
- XML is an extensible language, new formats may be created such as RSS, SVG.
- It is widely used and recognized by almost all programming languages.
- Easier to read and best suited as files to non programmers.
Unfortunally, both XML and JSON are not suitable to store directly a large amount of data in binary form.
The syntax of JSON
The components of JSON are:
- An object: contains other objets or attributes.
- A scalar variable: Number, String, Boolean.
- An array.
- Literal values: null, true, false, string of characters, and numerical values.
It contains a member or a list of members, and each member has the form:
"name" : "value"
The syntax of the object is:
{ member, member, .... }
A collection of values, separated by commas.[ value, value, ....]
A value may be: an object, an array, a litteral (string, number, true, false, null).
Nothing more is required to create a JSON file!
Example of JSON file
A simple example, designing a menu:
It is an object made of members that are an attribute and an array that holds
other objects, the rows of the menu.
"menu": "File",
"commands": [
"title": "New",
"title": "Open",
"action": "OpenDoc"
"title": "Close",
"action": "CloseDoc"
The XML equivalent:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
How to use the format
The JSON file allows to load data from the server or to send data to it, in this format. For example, storing the content of a form, just filled by an user. This involves three steps: the browser processing, the server processing, and the data exchange between them.
Client side (browser)
This is rather easy, as JSON is a part of the JavaScript definition. The content of a file, or the definition of the data is assigned to a variable, and this variable becomes an object of the program.
Server side
JSON file are used by various programming languages, including PHP and Java
thanks to parsers that allow to get the content and that may even convert
it into classes and attributes of the language.
The json.org includes a C parser and a list of parsers in other languages.
Data exchange
Loading a file may be accomplished from JavaScript in several ways:
- direct including of the file into the HTML page, as a JavaScript .js external
- loading by a JavaScript command.
- using XMLHttpRequest.
The JSON file is parsed by the eval() JavaScript function.
Sending the file to the server may be accomplished by XMLHttpRequest.
The file is sent as a text file and processed by the parser of the programming
language that uses it.
The XMLHttpRequest code:
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", "file.json", true);
req.onreadystatechange = myCode; // the handler
The JavaScript handler:
function myCode()
if (req.readyState == 4)
var doc = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');
Using the data:
var menuName = document.getElementById('jsmenu'); // finding a field
menuName.value = doc.menu.value; // assigning a value to the field
How to access data:
doc.commands[0].title // read value of the "title" field in the array
doc.commands[0].action // read value of the "action" field in the array
Simple demo
This demo loads a json file that hold a menu and displays the content on the page. Details of the code in the archive.
Acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language" (this is recursive), YAML
is another data exchange format with the goal to serialize data to objects
of programming languages. It makes use of whitespace indentation to denote
structure, along with a large set of special characters: & ! ? - --- []
* etc...
This makes a definition rather obfuscated, unlike that of JSON.
A JSON definition is a valid YAML content (and not conversely), apart the
comments /* */ that must be replaced by #.
- Json.org. Diagrams of the grammar, list of parsers.
- Standard IETF. Precise description of the grammar.
- Specification of the ECMA 404 standard. JSON became a standalone standard in 2013.