Ajax tutorials, demos and applications
Ajax is the main part of a library of functions to build a modern online application.
A programmer of the Web 2.0 needs for Ajax to make an application or a website with a smooth interface and instantaneously update of the content.
Applications and add-ons to Ajax of the technology.
Ajax demos
These demos are designed as templates you can use to start your own Web
How to get info about a file on the server, how to interact with the server
through Ajax, and more.
Why not also the responseHTML attribute? But this is not a problem, this
feature may be added easily to Ajax.
Ajax Extensible
A framework to build web pages the reader can expand for details.
Cross-sites Ajax
How to load data from another website and to display it asynchronously.The XMLHttpRequest object in its current definition is limited to the site of the Web page that uses it. A version 2 is being defined for use Ajax on several sites.
A small scripts allow cross-domain with XHR it is explained in the first part of this article.
Part two shows how to execute a script on a remote site, to provide it data and retrieve
the results to display them in Ajax.
Image Gallery
Displays automatically image when the mouse pass over them.
The Ajax version speeds up the display.
Dynamic Select
With JavaScript, the content of lists and menus, the select form tag, may be changed dynamically. Ajax can also save the modified list and load it at a later session.
Ajax tutorials
Tutorials of technologies involved by Ajax.
Description of the W3C specification with some examples.
XDomainRequest (History)
A new object created by Microsoft to exchange data between websites.
Main methods of DOM
the standard interface to XML documents and HTML web pages.
Complete tutorial, how to interface JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest for
updating a Web page.
Examples with text and XML.
Ajax and PHP
What is the relationship between Ajax en PHP?
JSON tutorial
JSON is another format to save data on the server that can be retrieved
by Ajax, it is structured but simpler than XML.
Ajax programming with NetBeans
How to build Ajax applications with this IDE.
Ajax FAQ
Should I use Ajax?
What means the word Ajax?
Where to start to use Ajax?
Ajax can it evolve?
When should I use GET or POST with XMLHttpRequest?
What is Ajax navigation?
Ajax can it make a site difficult to use?
Asynchronous JavaScript can it replace Ajax?
More infos and resources
Huge thanks.
Fri, 09 Jan 2009 23:54:34
I studied your scripts and finally designed an ajax chat. Your scripts are very good.
I would never have made it whitout your site. thank you so much ;).
Sun, 11 Jan 2009 15:52:26
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