Applications and games on Canvas
Which applications for HTML 5 Canvas? Some examples to show the possibilities...
These JavaScript scripts can work only on Canvas compatible browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari. Not on IE. Click on the image for the demo.
Quake II
Using the 3D graphics library WebGL, so OpenGL, HTML 5 audio and localStorage, significantly faster than Doom, with 60 fps announced.
A platform game similar to old 2D games from Apogee, less the appeal of sceneries.
Lightning effects
With Javascript and Canvas, lighting effects based on the Phong shading are applied on an image. The area on which we move the mouse illuminates.
To achieve the effect, two textures of the same image are used, one containing the forms, the other colors.
The source code is available.
Démonstrations and code source
- CanvasPad. Test drive from Microsoft.
Shows how to program Canvas with an interactive demo that works under Firefox. - Microsoft demos.
Lot of Canvas demos.