Proxy in JavaScript: simples examples

A code simplification tool, proxy tends to separate the bulk of the application of the accessory.

Proxies provide a means to control access to functions and objects. This simplifies the reading of a program by relegating all controls to a proxy object when you can use the object in the simplest way possible.

A proxy is created with this statement:

var p = new Proxy(subjet, interface)

The proxy can then replace the object or function in every reference to that object or function. Each trap intercepts a type of access.


Code of the test:

var ptest = new Proxy({}, {})
if(ptest instanceof Object) document.write("Proxy supported!")


Intercepts the reading of the properties of an object, or the returned value of a function.

var d = { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
var pget = new Proxy(
  d,  {
  	get: function(y, idx) {
         return y[idx] * 10

pget.c = 3

for(var z in pget) {
  document.write(z + ":")
Get trap


Intercepts the assignment of a value to a property, or the call of a function.

var d3 = { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
var pset = new Proxy(
  d3, {
    set: function(y, idx, value) {
    y[idx] = value * 10

pset.c = 3

for(var z in pset) {
  document.writez + ":" )
Set trap


Amend the list of properties of an object as seen during an access to it, so the list of available properties. It returns the boolean value true if you want the property to be accessed, or false otherwise, whatever the key is present or not in the original object.

var phas = new Proxy({},  {
has: function(target, key) {
if(key == "a") return false;
return true;
var phasa = ("a" in phas)
var phasb = ("b" in phas)
document.write("a in d: " + phasa)
document.write("b in d: " + phasb)
Has trap


Lets call the proxy with a list of parameters. Intercepts also methods apply, call and Reflect.apply when the proxy is declared with a function.

To better understand the apply trap, it is first necessary to know the JavaScript apply method.

This method has parameters this and an array. The first parameter replaces by a designated object, the object that contains the function. If we call the function in a window, the window object will be replaced by another object. We pass null for not changing the contextual object.
The second parameter is an array that replaces the parameters of the function.

function methodDemo(a, b){
var str = "Object: " + this + "<br>";
for (var i in methodDemo.arguments) {
str += "argument: " + methodDemo.arguments[i] + "<br>";
return str;
document.write("Direct call to the function:");
document.write(methodDemo(10, 20));
document.write("Call through apply:");
document.write(methodDemo.apply(null, [ "ten", "twenty" ]));
Apply method

This only works if we access the list of arguments through the arguments property. So we should include in the definition a special treatment if this method is used.

It's different with the apply trap where one additional function is defined.

It has three parameters:

Then you can use the proxy in three different ways.

You can add a context object parameter with the call or apply methods. The parameter is null as above when it remains in its context, and then call and apply methods are unnecessary.

var papp = new Proxy(methodDemo, {
apply: function(methodDemo, ctx, args) {
return methodDemo.apply(ctx, args)
document.write(papp(100, 200))
Apply trap

The arguments passed by the proxy replace the arguments of the apply method of methodDemo.


The construct trap intercepts new and Reflect.construct(). It returns an object.

The parameters are:

var pconst = new Proxy(function() {}, {
construct: function(objTarget, args, oldConstructor) {
return { value : args[0] + " to anybody" }
document.write(JSON.stringify(new pconst("Hello "), null, ' '))
Construct trap

List of proxy traps

According to the ECMAScript 262 specification:

Can we replace the proxies?

Example for get:

var d2 = { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
function p(x) {
return x * 10
d2.c = 3
for(var z in d2) {
document.write(z + ":" )

The code is actually simpler without proxy. But they are obviously not made for such basic operations.

What is the real interest?

Probably not of interest as we execute simple operations. It is mainly a tool of clarification of the code, which allows to put on the background practical operation such as checks on the arguments, to focus on the application logic. The same could be said of object programming except that it also facilitates reusability.

To a lesser extent, the code developed for proxies is reusable, however, since in most cases, the proxy applies a function to an object. This function can be reused in new proxies.

Some examples of applications of proxies

© August 15, 2016